Write For Us

There’s always a need for great writers to join the Babynewborn.in. Our team would love to hear from you, whether you’re a professional blogger or a newbie writer. Our readers are looking for writers who can write for us Baby Products and contribute their opinions. Writers who can bring new ideas to the table and entertain while educating. Our readers look forward to hearing your thoughts regarding the topics you choose to discuss. 

Writing Guidelines

We have enlisted some points that we want you to consider before you begin to write a guest post for us:

  • The guest post should be original and should contain unique ideas on the topic that have not been published on other platforms or websites.
  • The content should be relevant to the topic and should clearly define it. Alongside, make sure that it does not violate any copyright issues.
  • The word limit for the guest post should be more than 1000 words. Please note that the content should be submitted as the Google Doc via email.
  • For credibility, we suggest you include links, statistics, and recent studies data. Also, do include bullets and headers in the post.
  • After the submission of the article, you may not publish it to any other resources, including paper or electronic means.
  • Writers should include sub-headings to make the article scannable and more readable. Apart from this, for emphasis, all sub-heading should be questioning format.
  • Make sure that the title of the blog does not exceed 10 words or 60 characters. However, it can be changed by Baby New Born if required. 
  • Writers can use one link to back their site. Also, all the links should be already added as no affiliate linking is allowed.
  • Once we publish your article on our platform, it becomes Babynewborn.in property.
  • While writing for us, you must know that we do not pay for any guest post. Also, you will not receive any compensation related to the post.
  • You can promote the post on social media platforms by publishing 100 words of the article along with the link to the post.
  • Babynewborn.in holds the right to delete your post from the website after one year.
  • You can also send us pictures and videos relevant to your content provided that they are original and yours or you have the proof to use them.
  • We will publish your articles on other social media channels, but it does not guarantee to increase traffic on your blog’s social media handle.
  • Before posting, we review and approve all the posts. We can edit or refuse any post that we do not find relevant or helpful.
  • We will take of Search Engine Optimization and reserve the right to make any changes if required to make it SEO compliant.

Moreover, you can check our parenting blog section to check out the type of content that we approve to be published on Baby New Born.

Thus, if you want to submit a guest post, then connect with us via infosongire@gmail.com. If your idea is distinctive and interesting, you will definitely hear back from us